We would love to have you join our writing chapter
Join Us
Why be a member?
Friendly, suportive camaraderie
Monthy Meeting and Monthly WIP
Industry new and information
Diamond in the Rough Contest
Chapter Retreats and Newsletters
For information on joining the Black Diamond Romance Writers, please email - Info@bdrwa.com or fill out BDRWA membership form and send it, along with dues of $25 to the address listed on the application.
MEETING LOCATION: Carpaccio Restaurant, 3070 Main St,. Oakley Ca .Meeting Time: 9:30 a.m. to noon
Chapter business: 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
BDRWA Members - $15; Guests - $20
Mission Statement:
- Writers Who Inspire, Support, & Celebrate Success.The Black Diamonds RWA Chapter's mission is
(1) to promote excellence in romantic fiction;
(2) to help its members reach their publishing goals and establish themselves in
the genre through dynamic mentorship
(3) to provide a forum for writers (both published and unpublished) to be inspired, make contact with other writers and industry professionals, and obtain information on craft and the publishing industry
Meeting Location
Carpaccio Restaurant
3070 Main St.
Oakley California
MEETING FEE (unless otherwise specified)BDRWA Members - $15; Guests - $20
About us?
- writing group serving writers in the san francisco bay east bay area meeting in contra costa county, california.. Offering support and information on the romance Writing Craft.