On-line Classes

On-line classes offered by the Black Diamond Chapter

Self-Publishing Made Easy By Cathleen Ross

June 3rd thru 14th 2013 2 week course

Subjects to be covered : Information on selling platforms available : Smashwords, Amazon, itunes etc. Steps involved in uploading a story: Editing Covers Formatting Blurbs - what makes a good blurb, what to put in, what to leave out etc. Marketing/Advertising Business Practices, setting up bank accounts, issues with US payments ITIN numbers Accounting Issues either as individuals/setting up as a group publisher Links/info on where to find following services : covers, editing, etc.

Cathleen Ross likes to write about the quirky side of life. She thought she was a "Sweet" writer until she was asked to write her first erotic story, sold it immediately and never looked back. Her first novel, Man Hunt sold to Black Lace/Random House topping their erotic best seller list in 2006. She has since sold to Harlequin, Lyrical Press and Ravenous Romance. She started self publishing two years ago and was greeted with instant sales in this rich and rewarding market

She is currently self publishing her Forbidden Fantasy series. Last year her Highlander novellas became reached the Apple best seller list. Cathleen is a post graduate qualified trainer with extensive teaching experience. When she is not writing, she is teaching writing and editing for private clients

.Black Diamond Members, $20. Non-Members $25 To pay by check: Make payable to BDRWA. Mail to: Black Diamond Chapter of RWA, 1100 Windhaven.. Brentwood, Ca. 94513.

Enroll today via PayPal!

The Art of Writing the Blurb, by Beth Fred

  • July 1st thru 14th 2013, 2-week course.

    “The Art of Blurb Writing” is as helpful with plotting as it is for blurb writing. This workshop is good for a mixed group as it focuses on using the basic Seven Plot Point Structure to create a clear concise synopsis good for a query or a self-published author’s blurb. You will learn how to bring voice, character, and story together to create a clear synopsis of less than 200 words. This workshop includes exercises and participants will finish the class with a completed query or outline.

    Pre-requisite: You need to have a solid story idea or completed manuscript prior to beginning the class. At the end of the class, you will have a completed blurb or query.

    Instructor Bio: Beth Fred graduated from the University of Texas in Arlington in 06 with a B.A. in English and is a MFA candidate at Western Connecticut State University. She's represented by the always awesome Kathleen Rushall of Marsal Lyons Literary Agency. Her short story "The Fate Of A Marlowe Girl'" released in the fall of '12 and the companion "The Other Marlowe Girl" released April of 13.

    To pay by check: Make payable to BDRWA. Mail to: Black Diamond Chapter of RWA 1100 Windhaven Ct. Brentwood, Ca. 94513

  • Enroll today via PayPal!

    BDRWA member $20.00 USD BDRWA non-member $25.00 USD


Why choose us?


BDRWA serving writers in the San Francisco East Bay Area, our members meet monthly, offering support and information on the romance writing craft & industry.


The Black Diamond RWA meets in Brentwood, CA the first Saturday of every month.



Every year the Black Diamonds have a get-away retreat. Check back again for announcements on the up coming 2013 retreat. It will open to members first, then to non-members.




RWA University Classesne Cles

Writer's Toolkit: Tools for Writers on PC and Mc. June 10 - 11

Instructor: Michael Hauge

What: 2-day online “Mastering the Pitch” video class with Michael Hauge

When: Part 1: June 10, 8:30 – 10:30 p.m. ET

Part 2: June 11, 8:30 – 10:30 p.m. ET

Where: Shindig.com (Paid registrants will receive a specific link to participate in the live event.)

Who can attend: Registered RWA Members

Cost: $20

(All RWA members who register will also receive access to view the recordings in myRWA after the class is complete.)


Romance Writers of America





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